Les King delar sina insikter på DATA SERVER DAY – Missa inte!

Les King, en framstående expert inom Data och AI på IBM Canada, är en av våra huvudtalare på Data Server Day. Les kommer att öppna evenemanget med en dynamisk presentation om de senaste trenderna och riktningarna inom datamanagement-världen. Under eftermiddagen kommer han också att leda oss genom sessionerna “Db2 Cloud and SaaS Update – including Db2 Amazon RDS (fully managed Db2 as a Service)” samt den spännande uppdateringen “Db2 v12”. Missa inte chansen att få värdefulla insikter och uppdateringar från Les King!

Vi hade möjligheten att genomföra en kort intervju med Les King för att utforska hans insikter om de senaste trenderna och framstegen inom datamanagement som han kommer att diskutera på Data Server Day 2024, vad som inspirerade honom att följa en karriär inom datamanagement och vilka råd han skulle ge företag som vill förbättra sina datamanagementstrategier i dagens snabbt föränderliga digitala landskap.

Intervju med Les King från IBM Kanada

Meet Les King, Data & AI expert at IBM Canada. With over 30 years in the industry, Les is a leading authority in data management, business intelligence, and analytics. He’s well-versed in various systems like IBM DB2, Informix, solidDB, and SQLServer, and stays updated on technologies like Spark and Hadoop. Les has played a crucial role in IBM’s Hybrid Data Management strategies, advising clients globally. He’s also passionate about education, teaching at institutions like the University of Toronto and Seneca College. Les is known for his insightful presentations at events worldwide, covering topics from next-gen databases to hybrid data management. We’re thrilled to have him as a speaker at Data Server Day.

What inspired you to pursue a career in data management, and what motivates you in your role at IBM?
I actually “fell into” my role in Data Management at IBM 30 years ago as an application developer writing PL/I and JCL applications against Db2 for Z/OS.  When the Db2 mission started up a few years later I joined that team out of the IBM Toronto Lab.  Since then I have held positions in development, product management, technical sales, technical marketing, expert services and customer support.  I feel very blessed to have spent my career in the world of Data Management as it is an ever changing and fascinating space.  It is an exciting space and has required a continual learning curve throughout the years.  In my current role I am focused on combining two passions – my passion for Data Management and Db2 – and – my passion for teaching.

Can you share some insights into the latest trends and advancements in the field of data management that you’ll be discussing at Data Server Day 2024?
In the world of Data Management there is a growing demand and a lot of interest in understanding how data management – and in particular – database management systems like Db2 – must be ready to handle both modern deployments and modern workloads.  Quite often when people think about latest trends and modernization – containerization and cloud deployments come to mind.  A very interesting and almost more important area of modernization in the world of Db2 is being ready to handle modern workloads.  When we talk about modern workloads topics such as AI, multi-model support, NoSQL, data virtualization and mixed workloads all come up and require attention.  The other important topic to remember is that the roles and responsibilities and expectations of all data disciplines are evolving – whether talking about a DBA, engineer, architect, developer or those who consume data such as business analysts and data scientists.

As a seasoned professional, what advice would you give to businesses looking to enhance their data management strategies in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape?
I think one of the key areas to ensure stays front of mind as business work to modernize their data management infrastructure and ecosystem is to not lose track of all that is required for a new footprint to properly integrate into their infrastructure.  For any mission critical application and data management platform – resilience, availability, performance, scalability, security and integration are all of paramount importance.  Science experiments, side projects and proof of technologies are all very important – and there are many products that can help meet those objectives.  That said, at some point experiments and side projects (hopefully) are successful – the technology is proven – and now must find their way to become a fully integrated component within an existing mission critical ecosystem in order to realize their full business potential.

Håll utkik efter nästa inlägg i vår serie där vi presenterar fler av våra framstående föreläsare.


Välkommen till DATA SERVER DAY 2024 den 5/9, en heldag dedikerad till de senaste innovationerna inom datahantering, med extra fokus på AI, Db2 och Watsonx.

Vad kan du förvänta dig?

  • Djupdykning inom AI, Db2 och Watsonx!
  • Lösningar för att ta din datahantering till nästa nivå.
  • Möjlighet att träffa likasinnade och knyta värdefulla kontakter!

Tid och plats
5 September, 08:00-19:00,
Birger Jarlsgatan 57, Stockholm
Spårvagnshallarna, Convendum-kontorshotell, Hörsalen

Registrera dig här: https://www.middlecon.se/event/data-server-day-2024/

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Vi ser fram emot att höra från dig och svara på eventuella frågor du kan ha. Vårt team av experter inom datahantering är redo att hjälpa dig att maximera ditt företags potential. Tveka inte att kontakta oss för att ta reda på mer om våra tjänster och hur vi kan hjälpa dig. Fyll i nedan så svarar vi dig så snart vi kan.

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